Classroom Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings

50 important classroom vocabulary words with Urdu meanings. Best for students and teachers to improve their understanding of common terms used in the educational environment. Each word comes with a simple sentence to help in learning. From basic words like classroom and teacher to more specific terms like homework and presentation.

image showing classroom Vocabulary Words with meaning

Classroom Vocabulary Words with Meaning

The following are the vocabulary list for classroom with meaning:

English Word Urdu Meaning Sentence
Classroom جماعت کا کمرہ The students study in the classroom.
Teacher استاد The teacher explains the lesson.
Student طالب علم Each student has a desk.
Blackboard تختہ سیاہ The blackboard is used for writing notes.
Chalk چاک The teacher writes with chalk on the board.
Desk میز Each student has a desk for their books.
Chair کرسی The students sit on the chair.
Textbook درسی کتاب The textbook is used for study.
Notebook نوٹ بک I write notes in my notebook.
Pencil پنسل The pencil is used for writing.
Eraser ربڑ I use an eraser to correct mistakes.
Marker مارکر The teacher uses a marker for the whiteboard.
Whiteboard وائٹ بورڈ The whiteboard is used instead of a blackboard.
Projector پروجیکٹر The projector shows images on the screen.
Map نقشہ The map on the wall shows different countries.
Poster پوسٹر A poster of the solar system is on display.
Window کھڑکی The window lets in sunlight.
Door دروازہ The door is closed during class.
Clock گھڑی The clock shows the time.
Board تختہ The board is used for writing.
Pen قلم The pen is used for writing in ink.
Paper کاغذ I take notes on a sheet of paper.
Ruler فٹا The ruler is used for measuring.
Calculator کیلکولیٹر The calculator helps solve math problems.
Homework ہوم ورک The homework is due tomorrow.
Quiz مختصر امتحان We have a quiz every Friday.
Test امتحان The test covers the whole chapter.
Exam امتحان The exam is at the end of the term.
Assignment اسائنمنٹ The assignment is to write an essay.
Lesson سبق Today’s lesson is about history.
Subject مضمون My favorite subject is science.
Grade درجہ I received a good grade on the test.
Class کلاس The class begins at 9 AM.
Schedule شیڈول The schedule is posted on the wall.
Library کتب خانہ The library has many books.
Laboratory تجربہ گاہ We conduct experiments in the laboratory.
Homework ہوم ورک We must complete our homework on time.
Notebook نوٹ بک I write in my notebook every day.
Folder فولڈر The folder holds all my worksheets.
Worksheet ورک شیٹ The worksheet has math problems to solve.
Bulletin Board بلیٹن بورڈ Notices are pinned on the bulletin board.
Globe گلوب The globe shows all the continents.
Binder بائنڈر The binder keeps my papers organized.
Attendance حاضری The attendance is taken every morning.
Break وقفہ We have a short break between classes.
Discussion بحث The class discussion on the topic.
Project پروجیکٹ We are working on a science project.
Presentation پریزنٹیشن I gave a presentation to the class.

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