General Academic Vocabulary Examples

Academic vocabulary is key to success in school and beyond. These words appear often in textbooks and lectures. Learning them can boost your understanding and writing skills.

General Academic Vocabulary List

Here is the list of General Academic Vocabulary examples:

1. Analyze

Meaning: To examine something in detail to understand it better.

2. Conclude

Meaning: To reach a final decision or judgment.

3. Evaluate

Meaning: To judge the quality, importance, or value of something.

4. Interpret

Meaning: To explain the meaning of something.

5. Synthesize

Meaning: To combine different ideas or things to form a new whole.

6. Hypothesis

Meaning: An idea or explanation that you test through research.

7. Theory

Meaning: A set of principles used to explain something.

8. Evidence

Meaning: Facts or information that support a belief or idea.

9. Perspective

Meaning: A particular way of viewing something.

10. Objective

Meaning: Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.

11. Subjective

Meaning: Based on personal opinions or feelings.

12. Methodology

Meaning: A system of methods used in a particular area of study.

13. Paradigm

Meaning: A typical example or pattern of something.

14. Empirical

Meaning: Based on observation or experience rather than theory.

15. Abstract

Meaning: Existing in thought or as an idea but not having physical reality.

16. Comprehensive

Meaning: Including or dealing with all aspects of something.

17. Fundamental

Meaning: Forming a necessary base or core of something.

18. Integrate

Meaning: To combine one thing with another to form a whole.

19. Valid

Meaning: Logically or factually sound; acceptable.

20. Criteria

Meaning: A standard by which something may be judged or decided.

21. Concept

Meaning: An abstract idea or general notion.

22. Context

Meaning: The circumstances that form the setting for an event or idea.

23. Implications

Meaning: The possible effects or results of an action or decision.

24. Phenomenon

Meaning: A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen.

25. Relevant

Meaning: Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.

26. Significant

Meaning: Important or noteworthy.

27. Specific

Meaning: Clearly defined or identified; precise.

28. Structure

Meaning: The arrangement of and relations between parts of something complex.

29. Subsequent

Meaning: Coming after something in time or order.

30. Validate

Meaning: To check or prove the validity or accuracy of something.

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