Art Vocabulary for Elementary Students A-Z

List of art vocabulary words for elementary students with meanings from A to Z. Explain the meaning of each word simply. It is easy for children to understand. The words are organized alphabetically from A to Z. It covers a wide range of art terms.

Art vocabulary words with meaning

The following is the Art vocabulary for elementary students with meaning from A to Z:

image showing Art Vocabulary Words


  1. Abstract: Art that doesn’t look exactly like real things
  2. Acrylic: A type of paint that dries quickly
  3. Artist: A person who creates art
  4. Artwork: Something made by an artist
  5. Apron: A piece of clothing worn to protect clothes while making art


  1. Brush: A tool used to apply paint
  2. Blend: To mix colors smoothly
  3. Background: The part of a picture that appears to be farthest away
  4. Blueprint: A plan or design for something to be made
  5. Bright: Colors that are strong and bold


  1. Canvas: A special cloth that artists paint on
  2. Collage: Art made by sticking different materials together
  3. Color wheel: A circle showing how colors relate to each other
  4. Crayon: A stick of colored wax used for drawing
  5. Craft: Making things with your hands


  1. Draw: To make a picture using lines and shapes
  2. Design: A plan or pattern for making something
  3. Doodle: To draw without overthinking about it
  4. Decorate: To make something look pretty or special
  5. Dimensions: The size or shape of something (like length, width, height)


  1. Easel: A stand that holds a canvas while an artist paints
  2. Erase: To remove marks or mistakes
  3. Exhibit: To show art in a gallery or museum
  4. Emboss: To create raised designs on paper or other materials
  5. Expression: Showing feelings or ideas through art


  1. Form: The 3D shape of an object in art
  2. Fringe: Decorative edge made of loose threads or strips
  3. Foreground: The part of a picture that appears closest to the viewer
  4. Frame: A border put around a picture
  5. Felt: A soft material used in crafts


  1. Glue: A sticky substance used to attach things
  2. Gallery: A place where art is shown
  3. Graffiti: Art painted on walls or buildings
  4. Glitter: Tiny, shiny pieces used to decorate
  5. Gradient: A smooth change from one color to another


  1. Hue: The name of a color (like red, blue, or yellow)
  2. Highlight: The brightest part of a drawing or painting
  3. Handmade: Something made by hand, not by machine
  4. Horizon: The line where the sky seems to meet the ground
  5. Harmonious: Colors that look good together


  1. Illustration: A picture that explains or decorates something
  2. Ink: Colored liquid used for writing or drawing
  3. Inspiration: An idea that makes you want to create something
  4. Imagination: Using your mind to think of new ideas
  5. Impressionism: A style of art that uses small brush strokes


  1. Jigsaw: A puzzle made of interlocking pieces
  2. Journal: A book for writing or sketching ideas
  3. Jewelry: Decorative items worn on the body
  4. Jutting: Sticking out or projecting
  5. Juxtapose: To place different things side by side


  1. Kiln: A special oven used to heat clay and ceramics
  2. Knead: To work and squeeze clay with your hands
  3. Kaleidoscope: A tube that shows colorful, changing patterns
  4. Kinetic art: Art that moves
  5. Kneaded eraser: A soft eraser that can be shaped


  1. Landscape: A picture of outdoor scenery
  2. Layer: To put one thing on top of another
  3. Line: A mark that goes from one point to another
  4. Loom: A tool used for weaving
  5. Lacquer: A shiny coating put on artwork


  1. Mural: A large painting on a wall
  2. Mosaic: Picture made from small pieces of colored glass or tile
  3. Marker: A pen with a thick tip for coloring
  4. Medium: The materials an artist uses (like paint or clay)
  5. Miniature: A tiny version of something


  1. Negative space: The space around and between objects in art
  2. Neon: Very bright, glowing colors
  3. Neutral: Colors like black, white, gray, and brown
  4. Nature: The outdoor world, often used as inspiration in art
  5. Notebook: A book for writing or sketching ideas


  1. Origami: The Japanese art of paper folding
  2. Outline: A line that goes around the edge of a shape
  3. Oil paint: A slow-drying paint made with oil
  4. Ornament: Something used to make something else look prettier
  5. Optical illusion: A picture that tricks your eyes


  1. Paint: Colored liquid used to cover surfaces
  2. Palette: A flat surface for mixing colors
  3. Pattern: A design that repeats
  4. Portrait: A picture of a person
  5. Pencil: A writing or drawing tool with a lead center


  1. Quilt: A blanket made of pieces of fabric sewn together
  2. Quill: A feather used as an old-fashioned pen
  3. Quick sketch: A fast, simple drawing
  4. Quantity: How much of something there is
  5. Quality: How good something is


  1. Recycle: To use old things to make new art
  2. Rainbow: An arch of colors in the sky
  3. Realism: Art that looks very much like real-life
  4. Ruler: A tool used to draw straight lines
  5. Relief: A type of sculpture that stands out from a flat surface


  1. Sculpture: 3D art you can see from all sides
  2. Sketch: A quick, rough drawing
  3. Shade: To make something darker
  4. Stencil: A thin sheet with a design cut out of it
  5. Symmetry: When both sides of something look the same


  1. Texture: How something feels when you touch it
  2. Tint: A color mixed with white to make it lighter
  3. Tools: Things used to make art (like brushes or scissors)
  4. Tracing: Drawing over lines to copy a picture
  5. Three-dimensional (3D): Having height, width, and depth


  1. Undercoat: The first layer of paint put on something
  2. Unique: One of a kind, unlike anything else
  3. Utensil: A tool used for a specific purpose in art
  4. Unity: How all parts of an artwork fit together
  5. Undertone: A faint or barely seen color


  1. Varnish: A clear, shiny coating put on the finished artwork
  2. Vibrant: Bright, strong colors
  3. Visual: Something you can see
  4. Volume: The amount of space a 3D object takes up
  5. Vertical: Up and down (like a standing person)


  1. Watercolor: Paint that is mixed with water
  2. Weave: To make fabric by crossing threads over and under
  3. Warm colors: Reds, oranges, and yellows
  4. Wax resist: Using wax to keep paint from sticking to paper
  5. Workshop: A place where artists work or learn


  1. X-ray art: Art that shows the inside of things
  2. Xylography: The art of engraving on wood
  3. X-acto knife: A sharp knife used for cutting in art
  4. Xenial: Art that’s friendly to all cultures
  5. Xanthic: A yellowish color


  1. Yellow: A primary color
  2. Yarn: Thick thread used in weaving and crafts
  3. Yonic: Art inspired by feminine shapes
  4. Yield: The amount of art materials produced
  5. Ylem: The first substance of the universe (used in some modern art)


  1. Zigzag: A pattern of sharp turns back and forth
  2. Zone: An area in a piece of art
  3. Zentangle: A way of creating images from repetitive patterns
  4. Zero point perspective: A type of drawing with no vanishing point
  5. Zest: Energy or enthusiasm in creating art

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